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Introduction to dermal fillers

Each individual has their own concept of beauty and their own unique aesthetic goals. Dermal fillers are a type of aesthetic treatment that may be used to achieve a wide range of different effects across the face. They are commonly used to fill (reduce facial lines and wrinkles); to volumize (add volume to the cheeks, chin and lips); and to lift (enhance and maintain facial shapes and contours).


Lifting-style dermal fillers are used to enhance and maintain facial shape, angles and contours.

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Restylane Fillers - lip fillers, dermal fillers and more!


Filling-style dermal fillers are used to reduce fine facial lines and wrinkles.

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The Galderma aesthetics range, RESTYLANE and Restylane Refyne - to fill lines and wrinkles


Volumizing-style dermal fillers are used to add volume to the cheeks and lips, and volumize ageing faces.

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The Galderma aesthetics range, Restylane Volyme - fillers, treatments focused on adding volume

May be used to lift, fill and volumize the face

Contain Hyaluronic Acid (HA) that keeps skin hydrated

Different fillers have different qualities


Some people may experience some discomfort. Some fillers contain a local anesthetic to provide you with a more comfortable treatment experience. You and your healthcare practitioner may decide whether additional pain relief is needed.

Dermal fillers are generally intended for use in people over the age of 18 years. Ask your healthcare practitioner if you will benefit from treatment with a dermal filler. It is important when discussing your medical history to tell your practitioner everything, including all medicines that you are taking, any present and past allergies and their seriousness, and all current or past medical conditions you have had. Your practitioner will discuss potential side effects from the injection of the filler and how serious they may be. You should also inform your practitioner if you have received previous aesthetic treatments, both surgical and non-surgical.

Patients with a known allergy to the ingredients of the filler (which may include an anaesthetic) should not undergo treatment, nor should patients with bleeding disorders, or active skin disease such as inflammation, infection or tumours in or near the area to be treated. Discuss contraindications, warnings and precautions with your healthcare practitioner before dermal filler treatments.

Most dermal filler products have not been adequately tested in pregnant or breastfeeding women and are therefore not recommended if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.

After the treatment you should receive advice on post-treatment care. It is normal to experience some post-treatment discomfort, such as redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising or tenderness at the treatment site. These side effects generally disappear within one week after injection. See: What are the possible side effects?

You should discuss the potential treatment risks with your healthcare practitioner. Following treatment, there is sometimes a need for a touch-up treatment to achieve an optimal result.

Dermal fillers are non-permanent injectable products, and the effect gradually diminishes with time. Treatments can last up to 24 months, but vary depending on the treatment area, the product used, the number of retreatments, and the characteristics of the individual. In order to maintain the aesthetic result, additional treatments, or top-up treatments (see below), may be undertaken.

Skin insights

Other treatment options

Aesthetic science provides a range of potential treatments to help individuals address concerns such as skin ageing and facial imbalances, and to create unique looks. A wide selection of dermal fillers allows aesthetic practitioners to refine facial features and to fill lines and wrinkles. Meanwhile anti-wrinkle injections, skin hydration boosters and collagen stimulators may be used to address the signs of skin and facial ageing. 

The decision to use any aesthetic treatment should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare practitioner.



Anti-wrinkle injections may be used to relax the muscles of the face and reduce the prominence of lines and wrinkles.



Skin hydration boosters may be used to refresh the skin from within, increasing skin hydration, improving elasticity, and reducing fine lines.



Collagen stimulators may be used to renew skin thickness and firmness and correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds.